Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Beginning

Welcome to the first post of the Lavendel Design Studios blog. I'm Ravanys Lavendel, owner, builder, and designer of Lavendel Design Studios. I am a 32-year-old woman living in the eastern US who originally joined SL in October 2006 after reading a news article on when the SL population explosion hit. In real life, I work in the medical industry, and sort of just played on and off for the last few years when, near the end of last year, I made a plan to really focus on developing my building skills. I finally took the plunge recently and bought a small parcel to lay out an ambitious little shop with the hopes that things would sell and that folks would enjoy the content I've created.

I enjoy the creativity tools Second Life affords, the marketing potential, and the collaboration opportunities. There's nothing like it - meeting folks from all over the world, broadening my horizons, experiencing new things and points of view. I especially enjoy really delving into projects and working earnestly until they're completed to a superior degree of excellence.

I have a team of amazingly talented people who are working with me – Kael has an inscrutable eye for detail and a head for business. Primus has many years of real life marketing experience and has been enthusiastically supportive of everything I've tried to accomplish for many years now. Cole is a truly gifted fine artist in real life whose texturing and design skills work hand in hand with the Lavendel Design style.

Today, I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment as I've just finished the sixth and final series layout for design in the store. My personal sense of style flows with the way I think about simplicity and elegance, as our logo states, “Simplicity Defined.” Each of the six sets are modern, simple, low-prim, clean, and fresh with smooth lines and dynamic lit textures and shadows. These sets will be arranged throughout the store in groups according to design.

Looking ahead, I'll be trying to create as much content for the store as possible in the days ahead before our first major advertisement launches. Real life is a whirlwind, as it always tends to be. Times abroad and at home look tough for many at the moment, but I hope that we find comfort, creativity, and renewed passions in the quality interactions we have here in SL and in RL.

1 comment:

  1. How absolutely splendid! The designs are impeccable, the style modern, yet with a traditional flow and classic elegance. Color me nothing but impressed and thrilled that I am surrounded by the talent of your team, and humbled that I am your friend Ravanys!
    Cheers and best of luck with this tres faboo endeavor!
    Love to you all,
    Eloise Mureaux
